Friday, October 30, 2015

Idiom in English

Zip your mouth!
Keep your mouth shut don’t say anything.
Zip your lip!
Close your mouth be quiet.
Zip it!
Keep quiet … (something).
My car is a lemon
Mean your car doesn’t work very well.
To be in the red.
To be in debt.
To see red.
To be very angry.
To wave (raise/ carry) a white flag.
To surrenderកាចុះចាញ់, ប្រគល់អោយor give up.
Browned off.
To be bored, fed up or disheartened.ធុញទ្រាន់
To be yellow.
To be cowardly.ខ្លាច, មិនក្លាហាន
Chow down.
Example: time for lunch! Let’s go chow down!
Beatingការវាយ around the bush.
Avoiding a topic.
Example: I know he wants to tell me something, but he keeps beating around the bush. I have no idea what he wants.
Break a leg.
Good luck.
Example: You are going for a job interview? Break a leg!
Crackបំបែក someone up.
Make them laugh.
Example: I love that comedian! He always cracks me up!
Cup of joe
Cup of coffee.
Example: I’m tired. I think I’ll get a cup ofjoe.
Cut to the chaseដេញ
Leave out the details.
Example: You don’t have to tell me the whole story. Just cut to the chase!
Flip the bird
Raising the middle finger, a rude gesture.
Example: When I changed lanes the man in the car behind me flipped me the bird!
Go the extra mile
Go beyond what is required.
Example: I only needed help with one question, but the teacher went the extra mile and helped me with the whole worksheet.
Hit the sackសំពៀត
Go to bed.
Example: I’m tired. I think I’ll hit the sack.
To break the ice
To be the first to say or do something hoping that other will join you.
To have a chip កំទិចon your shoulder
Describes a person who is angry and defensive or who is always ready to argue or fight.
Hold your horses
Be patient; wait a minute.
Over the hill
Old or too old to do something.
On cloud nine
Very happy or excited.
Pulling your leg
Teasing you.
Butter someone up
Be extra nice to someone (usually for selfish reasons)
Cool as a cucumberត្រសក់
Very relaxed.
Cream of the crop
The best.
(don’t ) cry over spilled milk
Get upset over something that has happened and cannot be changed.
Break a leg
A way to wish someone good luck.
To live it up
To enjoy life.
To kick the bucket ធុង
To die.
Shape up or ship out
When you tell someone if their behavior does not improve they will have to leave.
To spill the beans
To tell a secret.
It’s raining cats and dogs
It’s raining hard.
Top dog
The leader.
To smell a rat
To think that something is wrong.
To chicken out
Not doing an activity because of fear.
To eat like a horse
To eat a lot.
To break someone heart
To cause someone to feel saf.
Burn the midnight oil
To work studiously late into the night.
Ants in one’s pants
Unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement.
(the) birds and the bees
Sex education.
Cat nap
A short sleep.
Chicken out
To decide not to do something out of fear (usually just before)
Copy cat
A person who does the same thing as someone else.
Like a fish out of water
To be uncomfortable in a particular situation.
To eat like a horse.
To eat a lot.
Mutton សាច់ជៀម dressed (up) as lamb.
To describe a woman who is dressed in a style that is more suitable for a much younger woman.
To pull a rabbit out of the hat.
To surprise everyone by suddenly doing something clever.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Someone who is dangerous, but pretends to be harmless.
Souped up
Made more powerful or stylish.
Sell like hot cakes.
Bought by many people.
Spill the beans.
Reveal the truth.
Take something with a pinchក្តិច (grain) of salt.
Don’t consider something 100% accurate.
Use your noodle.
Use your brain.
Busy as a bee.
Very busy.
Cry wolf.
Cause alarm without reason.
A dark horse.
An unexpected contenderអ្នកតស៊ូ.
An eager beaver.
An enthusiastic យ៉ាងរំភើប person.
Donkey’s years.
A long time.