Saturday, October 18, 2014

RevenueHits: An Ultimate Source to Monetize Your Super Blog

As a blogger, grabbing Adsense approval becomes a dream come true. But how many of you reading this post, have really got their Google Adsense approved. I am sure most of you have NOT and this is what has enticed you to read on this ‘Title’ further. At the same time, you must be aware that getting Google Adsense approved for your site is not cakewalk.

Well, let me tell you that there are several companies coming up as alternatives to Adsense. This companies help you generate revenue from your site by providing the option to website owners and bloggers to place ads on their sites and earn money. Although you will get several options when you look for alternatives for Adsense online, but as a reputed and intelligent blogger, you must make sure that the platform you use is worth trusting and the best one to earn high revenues. In addition, you should not only be aware of their publisher policies but advertiser policy as well in order to know how they are transferring revenue to your accounts. This will even make sure that you earn long term with these platforms. RevenueHits is one such source that has recently build trust and won the hearts of bloggers.

RevenueHits: The Trusted Source To Earn Bets Revenue

RevenueHits was established in 2008 and build great repute in no time. They help in easy revenue generation for publishers with high end Geo targeted and Contextual Ad serving technology. Managed and operated by an Israel based company called MyAdWise Ltd., RevenueHits helps publishers to monetize their sites using innovative Performance Base Ad Network.

For Publishers

Built by and for publishers, RevenueHits treats its partners like a family as they say. The features for publishers include:
  • Display and Rich Media: You will get range of banner sizes and formats to choose from. You can pick them according to your blog theme and access wide variety of advertisers available. The algorithm is such that it can find the best performing offers for your blog in order to get the best of earnings. 
  • Pop Ups/Unders: You can add Pop Us and Pop Unders and see your revenue boosts in no time. Don’t worry, it will be popped in quite a controlled way so that your site is well optimised. 
  • Apps and Widgets: It is not only through the site, you can make money  but even from your Apps and widgets. They offer specialised formats to make the most of it.
  • Custom Formats: They even create custom formats according to the needs of the publishers. 

For Advertisers

You must know about advertisers policies laid down by RevenueHits as well even if you are a publisher or a blogger as this gives you genuine reasons to trust them. The features for advertisers include:
  • Global Reach: The platform displays 2 billion ad impressions each day covering millions of users all over the globe. This way the advertisers not only get exposure, but make the most of their advertising opportunity. 
  • Multiple Verticals: The advertisement is available on almost every niche you think of. So, even you as a blogger get an opportunity to earn more and more through this. Whether it is mobile, shopping, Coupons, Dating, Entertainment, Travel, Software or anything, all can advertise here.

Revenue in eCPM

There are publishers signed up with RevenuHits who are enjoying eCPM rato of up to $30eCPM. It all depends on your site traffic. revenuHits can offer you maximum monetization within few days if you get decent traffic on your blog.

Advantages Of Using RevenueHits

  • Range of Monetisation Methods
  • Easy Creation of Ad Scripts for non-tech Bloggers
  • 100% Fill Rate
  • Accepts Traffic from all over the globe

How To Start With RevenueHits?

Sign Up process is convenient and takes no time if you have decided to give this wonderful platform a great try. Run through the following process and it is done:

Go to RevenueHits and ‘Sign Up’ as a ‘Publisher’ if you want to monetise your blog. However, if you want to advertise (to add to your knowledge), just go to ‘Advertisers’ section and Sign Up. I am here to guide you as a blogger and therefore I will tell you how to join as a Publisher as I know most of you must be looking for this.
  • Click on Sign Up to Become a Publisher
  • The first tab prompts for your details. Fill in the following details:
  • Give the Title Nam
  • Select Your Niche
  • Add the URL of your Blog
  • Write a small description describing about your blog. Make sure it is in the best of its form. Lastly click on ‘Continue’
  • Next tab prompts you to fill in the Username and Password and other details like your name, phone number, Skype ID.
  • Thereafter click on ‘Continue’ again
  • The last tab wants you to select the Billing Preference. This means what would you like your Payment Method to be. revenutHits offers four options for payment method:
  • Decide Later, Payoneer, Wire Transfer and Paypal
  • Once you have selected your mode of payment, click on ‘Continue’. A pop up will appear prompting you to accept the terms and conditions of the site. I would suggest you to read them before you do the final sign up.
This is quite simple and you can get the ball rolling once you sign up. You simply need to login with your credentials and create ad unites to be placed on your site.

Considering the above factors, RevenueHits has recently become one of my favourites when I suggest my fellow bloggers. As a blogger, I am sure you will be benefitted to generate revenue through this source which is certainly a great alternative for Google Adsense. So, what are you waiting for? Simply sign up and start earning for yourself. Create the best of ads and welcome those bucks you have been dreaming for.