Saturday, October 18, 2014

3 Powerful Reasons Bloggers Should Use Webinars to Grow Their Community

Have you noticed the recent uptick in bloggers hosting webinars? It seems like everywhere you turn, bloggers are holding these live gatherings of information dissemination to either sell a product or offer exclusive methodologies. If you’ve ever been an attendee to one of these events, you have probably noticed that a significant portion of what’s presented isn’t entirely difficult to find, but that still doesn’t seem to take away from their popularity.
Webinars For Bloggers
The swing toward live events isn’t a coincidence by any means, webinars have proven to be incredibly effective for a number of reasons, but they should obviously be planned in advance for full effect. Suites like those offered atClickWebinar can make a huge difference to conversion rates and word of mouth.

However, whatever your option you go with, the following reasons alone are worth looking into anyonline seminar program available. What’s really important is that you get down to some live business and grow your community.

Prove Expertise

Whether you’re a lawyer or simply writing about a hobby, you blog because you feel like you have something worth saying that’s of value to your readership. However, in comparison to blog entries, a webinar puts you in the hot seat, which, in turn, shows attendees just how much of an expert you are on your chosen topic. Where other bloggers can put in research and go so far as to hijack information from your writing, they can’t compete with a live display of knowledge. As word gets out that you know your material, more people will see you as a source which means a growth in general blog traffic as well as larger attendance for future webinars.

Sales Boosts

If you monetize your blog through affiliate programs or sales pages, their sub 10 percent standard conversion rate might be enough to put some cash in your pocket. However, a webinars have shown to yield much higher rates, sometimes offering as much as 30 percent.

Even if your webinar isn’t centered around sales whatsoever, dropping an affiliate link with an honest recommendation to a product is worthwhile. By endorsing said product after, or during, a display of your raw knowledgebase, attendees will be much more likely to take your considerations into account and further your sales as a whole. This goes back to you proving your expertise – if you know what you’re talking about, people will listen and they will pay for your insights.

Catch and Keep Attention

Where text often fails is in keeping readers’ attention. Even return visitors will often just skim through a written post looking for highlights to quickly digest. On the other hand, webinars mean people have to pay attention to find the nuggets of information they so desire. In the meantime, viewers will develop a much more personal relationship with the host. This directly helps grow your community in that people are willing to promote, via links and suggestions, someone they feel they have a repertoire with.

You see, holding webinars isn’t just about making sales and proving expertise. They’re also very much about showing the world that there’s a real human being behind a site’s blog posts. It’s a leg up that SEO- and social-heavy sites can’t compete with, and webinars are something you should be taking full advantage of.
