Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Create a User Defined Function (macro)

Create a User Defined Function
 Excel allows you to create custom functions, called "User Defined Functions" (UDFs) that can be used the same way you would use SUM() or some other built-in Excel function. This can be especially useful for advanced mathematics or special text manipulation. In fact, many Excel add-ins provide large collections of specialized functions.
This article will help you get started creating user defined functions with a couple of useful examples
  1. Open up a new workbook.
  2. Get into VBA (Press Alt+F11)
  3. Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
  4. - Copy and Paste the Excel user defined function examples -
  5. Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
  6. Use the functions (They will appear in the Paste Function dialog box, Shift+F3, under the "User Defined" category)
If you want to use a UDF in more than one workbook, you can save your functions in your own custom add-in. Simply save your excel file that contains your VBA functions as an add-in file (.xla for Excel 2003 or .xlam for Excel 2007+). Then load the add-in (Tools > Add-Ins... for Excel 2003 or Developer > Add-Ins for Excel 2010+).
Warning! Be careful about using custom functions in spreadsheets that you need to share with others. If they don't have your add-in, the functions will 
Benefits of User Defined Excel Functions
  • Create a complex or custom math function.
  • Simplify formulas that would otherwise be extremely long "mega formulas".
  • Diagnostics such as checking cell formats.
  • Custom text manipulation.
  • Advanced array formulas and matrix functions.
Limitations of UDF's
  • Cannot "record" an Excel UDF like you can an Excel macro.
  • More limited than regular VBA macros. UDF's cannot alter the structure or format of a worksheet or cell.
  • If you call another function or macro from a UDF, the other macro is under the same limitations as the UDF.
  • Cannot place a value in a cell other than the cell (or range) containing the formula. In other words, UDF's are meant to be used as "formulas", not necessarily "macros".
  • Excel user defined functions in VBA are usually much slower than functions compiled in C++ or FORTRAN.
  • Often difficult to track errors.
  • If you create an add-in containing your UDF's, you may forget that you have used a custom function, making the file less sharable.
  • Adding user defined functions to your workbook will trigger the "macro" flag (a security issue: Tools > Macros > Security...).
User Defined Function Examples
Example #1: Get the Address of a Hyperlink
The following example can be useful when extracting hyperlinks from tables of links that have been copied into Excel, when doing post-processing on Excel web queries, or getting the email address from a list of "mailto:" hyperlinks.
This function is also an example of how to use an optional Excel UDF argument. The syntax for this custom Excel function is:
To see an example of how to work with optional arguments, look up the IsMissing command in Excel's VBA help files (F1).
Function LinkAddress(cell As range, _ 
                     Optional default_value As Variant
  'Lists the Hyperlink Address for a Given Cell 
  'If cell does not contain a hyperlink, return default_value 
  If (cell.range("A1").Hyperlinks.Count <> 1) Then 
      LinkAddress = default_value 
      LinkAddress = cell.range("A1").Hyperlinks(1).Address 
  End If 
End Function 

Example #2: Extract the Nth Element From a String
This example shows how to take advantage of some functions available in VBA in order to do some slick text manipulation. What if you had a bunch of telephone numbers in the following format: 1-800-999-9999 and you wanted to pull out just the 3-digit prefix?
This UDF takes as arguments the text string, the number of the element you want to grab (n), and the delimiter as a string (eg. "-"). The syntax for this example user defined function in Excel is:
Example: If B3 contains "1-800-333-4444", and cell C3 contains the formula, =GetElement(B3,3,"-"), C3 will then equal "333". To turn the "333" into a number, you would use =VALUE(GetElement(B3,3,"-")).
Function GetElement(text As Variant, n As Integer, _ 
                    delimiter As String) As String 
    GetElement = Split(text, delimiter)(n - 1)
End Function 

Example #3: Return the name of a month
The following function is based upon the built-in visual basic MonthName() function and returns the full name of the month given the month number. If the second argument is TRUE it will return the abbreviation.
Example: =VBA_MonthName(3) will return "March" and =VBA_MonthName(3,TRUE) will return "Mar".
Function VBA_MonthName(themonth As Long, Optional abbreviate As Boolean) As Variant 
    VBA_MonthName = MonthName(themonth, abbreviate)
End Function 

Example #4: UDF for a Custom Mathematical Formula
One of the nice things about custom Excel functions is that you can simplify Excel formulas that would otherwise use nested If...Then... statements. As an example, let's say we have a simple function that includes division, but the formula changes when the divisor is zero. Also, we want to do some error checking, so we don't end up with #VALUE all over our spreadsheet.
For this example, we'll look at the KEI formula (Keyword Effectiveness Index), which when simplified looks something like this when using built-in Excel functions:
The syntax for the custom user defined function is:

Function KEI(demand As Variant, supply As Variant, _ 
             Optional default_value As Variant) As Variant 
'Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) 
    If IsMissing(default_value) Then 
        default_value = "n/a" 
    End If 
    If IsNumeric(demand) And IsNumeric(supply) Then 
        If supply = 0 Then 
            KEI = demand ^ 2 
            Exit Function 
            KEI = demand ^ 2 / supply 
            Exit Function 
        End If 
    End If 
    KEI = default_value 

End Function 

Here is Example of Macro:

Function deduct(money As Long)
 Dim Salary As Long
 Salary = money * 1
 Select Case Salary
    Case 0 To 200000
        deduct = 2600
    Case 200001 To 250000
        deduct = 2925
    Case 250001 To 300000
        deduct = 3575
    Case 300001 To 350000
        deduct = 4225
    Case 350001 To 400000
        deduct = 4875
    Case 400001 To 450000
        deduct = 5525
    Case 450001 To 500000
        deduct = 6175
    Case 500001 To 550000
        deduct = 6825
    Case 550001 To 600000
        deduct = 7475
    Case 600001 To 650000
        deduct = 8125
    Case 650001 To 700000
        deduct = 8775
    Case 700001 To 750000
        deduct = 8425
    Case 750001 To 800000
        deduct = 10075
    Case 800001 To 850000
        deduct = 10725
    Case 850001 To 900000
        deduct = 11375
    Case 900001 To 950000
        deduct = 12025
    Case 950001 To 1000000
        deduct = 12675
    Case 1000001 To 100000000
        deduct = 13000
 End Select
End Function

Formula won't calculate, shows it as text for open office calc

Here is how we fix it.

1- go to Open Office - Preferences - OpenOffice.org Calc - View
2- Under Display options you will find the check box "Formulas". Make sure this is NOT checked. If it is click on it to unCheck it.
3- Click on "OK". Now you should see all the numbers back in the spreadsheet.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Rising Threat of Smartphone Botnets

"Versatile innovation" has enhanced our day by day lives on many levels and it has significantly raised the personal satisfaction for some. Yet, the dangers originating from portable innovation are likewise genuine and worried for data innovation and administrations.

Essentially, botnets are substantial illicit systems of contaminated machines - normally desktop or smart phones, are regularly used to send active movement to different frameworks to taint their system or gadget. In any case, assailants are currently utilizing versatile botnets to taint the other system/gadgets utilizing cell phones.

Tainted cell phones that turn out to be a piece of a botnet can increase finish access to the focused on gadget and unwittingly play out specific assignments like recording sound and video, taking photographs, sending instant messages, open pages, take client information, erase documents, dispatch refusal of administration assaults by means of HTTP surges and perform web infusions, if upheld. A HTTP surge from a versatile botnet can undoubtedly create more than 100,000 exceptional IP addresses, making it progressively troublesome for sites to alleviate such vast scale assaults. As the botnet develops, each tainted cell phone gets added to a system of bots oversaw by a botmaster (digital criminal).

Versatile bot-contaminations were initially found in the year 2011. DroidDream and Geimini both were trojanized diversion applications with bot-like abilities that traded off Android gadgets. There have likewise been portable botnet assaults focused at iPhones, Blackberry and Symbian gadgets. So regardless of the working framework your cell phone keeps running on, every one of these points of reference are solid cases for versatile antivirus security.

By what means can bots get to cell phones:

Clients are effectively get deceived to introduce malware by means of malignant applications found in the Google play store, outsider application stores or through pernicious messages, that picks up the root access of client's gadget. Gadgets that are contaminated with these malware turned into a section into a worldwide botnet without having a force of resistance. From that point, an aggressor controls a gadget (as a contaminated botnet) through an order and control framework where the assailants can send various assault orders to these tainted gadgets so they can play out the predetermined activities and dispatch illicit exercises through it.

What would you be able to expect if your gadget has been traded off?

In the event that your gadget is contaminated with malware and some portion of a botnet you may encounter these taking after things:

Upset or lost system network of your gadget.

Stolen Credit card subtle elements, spared usernames and passwords, and so on.

Approaching messages blocked.

Introducing or evacuating applications without your consent.

Messages being sent without your assent.

Dial a specific versatile number.

Here are a couple tips to recollect to keep your gadget from being a piece of portable botnet:

Download applications just from trusted application stores.

Utilize rumored antivirus programming projects to keep from malware contaminations.

Try not to introduce the applications from obscure sources.

In the event that you are surfing the web or mingling on the web don't tap on undesirable connections, you may keep running into a malignant site.

In the event that you are encountering system issues contact your system suppliers instantly.

It's proposed that you wipe your telephone and reestablish processing plant settings on the off chance that you presume that your gadget has been traded off.


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Easiest Ways to Beat Ransomware

Ransomware dangers are not new to the online group today. Not at all like early days when ransomware assaulted clients on occasion, now it is barraging clients with different forms and updates practically consistently. This is imperative to comprehend that ransomware dangers are the genuine risk of today's chance. Assailants are bringing on genuine harm to the clients with their pernicious codes and practices. Consequently in current circumstance clients are likewise honing some keen strategies to forestall ransomware dangers. How about we examine few stages to turn away ransomware assaults.

Take preventive measures: As a preeminent stride take preventive measures to stop ransomware assaulting you. These means can help you protect your framework at the lead position. These preventive measures incorporate underneath specified strides:

Introduce a respectable security suite: Most of the ransomware assaults occur through vindictive connections in messages and through contaminated sites. The counter malware program can output and distinguish such spam messages and malignant sites to stop them at the underlying stage. Utilize programming firewall insurance alongside a decent hostile to malware program to make the second line of resistance against any infection assault. Along these lines you can secure your framework without getting into inconvenience.

Change perusing conduct: This is the known truth that most infection assaults happen by means of malignant connections and contaminated sites. Accordingly by changing perusing conduct can spare your framework from any inconspicuous inconvenience. Never open connections or messages which have an obscure source as a sender. Try not to open any lucrative promotion or another connection to keep your framework from conceivable ransomware assault.

Set framework reestablish point: This is a powerful stride to guard your framework against any conceivable information misfortune because of ransomware assault. Framework reestablish point practically takes the reinforcement of all your essential documents with the goal that you can get to that information in future inevitabilities.

Reinforcement information: Take this preventive measure to turn away any information misfortune if there should arise an occurrence of ransomware assault. Take information reinforcement at standard interims. Take this reinforcement on outer drives or on cloud servers with the goal that you can get to and reestablish this information at whatever time anyplace you need.

Keep your framework refreshed: Many ransomware assailants focus on those frameworks which are not refreshed as these old frameworks stay inclined to infection assaults. This is critical to realize that each refresh accompanies certain bug settle and security refreshes against such malware assaults. Hence it gets to be distinctly essential to stay up with the latest with most recent OS refreshes. Another critical stride to take after is to turn away downloading pilfered programming as they can contain vindictive substance. Continuously confirm the wellspring of the product you are downloading. As a large portion of the working programming engineers require to enlist and carefully sign all their product. On the off chance that your OS cautions you about the unsigned program than it is ideal to cross out such establishment.

Beat ransomware: After honing every single preventive measure in the event that your framework gets influenced with ransomware risk apply underneath said ventures to beat ransomware.

Detach from the system quickly: Once ransomware or some other malware assaults your framework it additionally tries to associate with its Command and Control servers for further guideline. To keep away from this circumstance, separate your framework from the system once you become more acquainted with about the disease. Along these lines you can break the connection between the contaminated framework and the ransomware servers. Along these lines you can spare different machines from getting tainted as well. By and large, ransomware sets aside an opportunity to taint and scramble every one of your documents along these lines you can spare your specific information from getting contaminated.

Ask the specialists: Some clear indications of ransomware assault incorporate moderate framework speed, undesirable messages fly up, framework hang and others. When you see such manifestations don't sit tight to request specialists help to counteract additionally harm to your framework. You can do your own particular research too to keep your framework protected and secure.

When we know the harm ransomware assaults can precipitate it gets to be distinctly imperative to take certain measures to avert such assaults. Indeed, honing preventive measures demonstrates better choice with regards to ransomware assaults. There are not very many techniques accessible to unscramble records encoded by ransomware assaults.

One such illustration is accessible measures to decode locky influenced records and couple of something beyond. It is constantly prudent to apply every preventive measure to deflect ransomware danger.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Best Free 4 Antivirus for protect PC

1-Amiti free Antivirus

Amiti free Antivirus is a program that backings filtering and it has 4 unique sorts of examining, including the one that can at present check the infections that are right now running in the memory. There's a device incorporated that can be utilized to rapidly clean every one of the records to free up its circle space. There aren't a considerable measure of settings or choices, yet it monitors the examining documents naturally and bolsters updates to its database. Amiti Antivirus additionally gives some steady infection assurance, called occupant security, for nothing. Works with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and, XP.

2-Comodo free Antivirus

This Antivirus is from the Comodo security arrangements and is another fantastic program, effectively one of the best Antivirus choices. This Antivirus shields you from such a variety of risk administrations, the same number of them on this rundown do. Comodo Antivirus likewise uses some different advances to make the procedure noiseless yet at the same time viable. Comodo Antivirus works with Windows10, 7, 8,Vista, and XP.

3-FortiClient free Antivirus

It is an Antivirus, firewall, parental control, streamlining, a program that is sufficiently capable for a business to utilize. Additionally alluded to as "danger administration" device. FortiClient is truly simple to set up, consequently refreshes its infection definition records, full framework examine once every week, about you always worrying about it. Deal with all customers from a solitary comfort. FortiClient backings WindowsXP and fresher Window Operating System which incorporates, Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and can likewise run Mac OS X.

4-UnThreat free AntiVirus

UnThreat AntiVirus offers standard malware assurance, including the dangers by means of email. UnThreat didn't attempt to introduce additional product amid the establishment procedure, nor any of the program settings changed. UnThreat AntiVirus gives consistent security, likewise approached get to or inhabitant assurance. This absolutely implies UnThreat Antivirus can supplant antivirus programming from organizations like McAfee and Norton. Favorable circumstances of the UnThreat AntiVirus incorporate its programmed refreshes, brisk download, and introduce, email insurance, planned outputs. UnThreat authoritatively bolsters these working frameworks - Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP and may work in others as well.

With such a large number of best AntiVirus accessible, you have no reason for abandoning protection.And you'd be excused for feeling this is all you require. All things considered, Windows Security Essentials/Defender is just about the least demanding antivirus application to utilize and get to grasps with, and it's generally imperceptible in the way it works.

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Why Bots Are The Future Of Marketing?

At the outset (1966), there was ELIZA - she was the primary bot of her kind, had approximately 200 lines of code and was amazingly savvy. In any case, you likely don't have any acquaintance with her. Afterward, came PARRY who was more intelligent than ELIZA (and could mirror a distrustful schizophrenic patient). In any case, you most likely don't know PARRY either. On the other hand ALICE (1995) or JABBERWACKY (2005). Be that as it may, you do know Siri! What's more, that in that spot is splendid showcasing. 

The bots have existed for quite a while now yet they weren't generally mainstream until Apple. Continuously one stage in front of its opposition, Apple presented the administrations of a chatbot as well as utilized it to make a one of a kind brand picture. It slaughtered two winged animals with one figurative stone known as Siri. There was no backpedaling from that point. Siri was/is an easily recognized name. She can read stories, foresee the climate, give to a great degree witty answers simply like a human would, and in one occurrence, Siri is additionally known to have dialed 911 and spare an existence. 

Why advertising with the bots is a smart thought 

In spite of the fact that in its initial days, chatbots are changing the way marks impart and in this manner, advertise themselves. For one thing, people are stalled by a million applications that messiness their advanced space. Where applications and sites have fizzled, the bots are succeeding. It performs important capacities, for example, tending to questions, giving client bolster, offering recommendations, and in addition secure informing stages that are frequented by clients. Facebook's Messenger with more than 800 million clients is one such illustration. On the off chance that Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella's words are anything to pass by, chatbots are the following huge thing. 

Chatbots are additionally supplanting conventional advertising strategies with individual discussions, bound with unobtrusive upsells. Take Tacobot for example - Taco Bell's most recent bot. Whenever somebody needs to request tacos, Tacobot here will rattle off the menu and let the client know whether a one-in addition to one offer is going on. It will likewise recommend additional items like seared beans and salsa. On the off chance that the client concurs and puts in a request, the bot has quite recently made an enhanced deal without depending on pushy, deals strategies. That is bot as a client benefit for you; an extremely viable one at that. Another advantage: chatbots are savvy treats. They check web treats and track prescient investigation to give proposals in view of past hunts and buys. A great part of the time, it's really compelling. 

Today, all real brands have created chatbots. Amazon has Echo that permits clients to arrange a pizza or purchase a pen while Microsoft's Cortana is constantly prepared to answer inquiries. Bots have this splendid nature of being human-like and legitimate in the meantime, less the human complexity. That sounds like the ideal connection each brand ought to have with its client, and the bot can help you arrive. All things considered, it's an advertising star. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to show hidden file in USB for mac?

We can show hidden file for usb like below:
  1. Open terminal
  2. Type in terminal  and hit enter

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

Friday, February 17, 2017

How to print Screen in mac hackintosh?

In mac we have short cut key for print screen by

  1. Press Alt+Shift+4  or Ctrl+Shift+4
  2. Take mouse to drag on screen we want to capture
  3. Capture screen show in desktop
  4. That all for that

turn off automatic updates mac os x yosemite

How to Enable or Disable Auto Apps Update on Mac OS X El Capitan or Yosemite
  1. Step #1. Pull down the Apple menu and navigate to System Preferences.
  2. Step #3. Along with those check boxes, also enable the one behind “install system data files and security updates.”
  3. Step #4. That's all to it.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to reset Firefox to default setting?

How to reset Firefox to default setting?

  1. Click the menu button New Fx Menu and then click help .
  2. From the Help menu choose Troubleshooting Information.
    If you're unable to access the Help menu, type about:support in your address bar to bring up the Troubleshooting Information page.

  • To continue, click Refresh Firefox in the confirmation window that opens.
  • Firefox will close to refresh itself. When finished, a window will list your imported information. Click Finish and Firefox will open. 
  • Monday, February 6, 2017

    Network Security Sandbox

    There is a good range of network security product accessible on the market currently. Despite these products, sure unobserved and ingenious cyber crimes take place by creating use of certain evasive binaries. They either make the network security system stop utterly or escape from the observance of it. So, a behavioral approach is required to sight APT (Advanced Persistent Threats) that square measure supported malware's activities.

    Market Definition by Segment kind

    There are 3 classes of the market for network sandboxing.

    1. Standalone

    It is implemented severally of existing network security systems. It does not have an effect on the other security system.

    2. Firewall/IPS/UTM

    It is an elective feature of existing network security and it's enforced within the cloud.

    3. Secure web entranceway / Secure Email entranceway

    It is an elective feature of the present security solutions.

    Key Factors Driving the Market Growth

    Following are the major factors driving the market growth:

    Factor 1

    The continuous rise of cyber crimes throughout the globe

    The Data Breach Investigation Report of Verizon in 2015 disclosed that there have been 79790 secret incidents and out of those, some 2122 cases had confirmed data breaches. These breaches of security took place in several forms like point of sales intrusion, web app attack, cyber espionage, insider misuse, card skimmers, Desk in operation System attack, crime-ware, miscellaneous errors and physical thefts. In order to tackle the increasing threats, the network security system has to be involved in constant analysis and innovative tools should be place operative before the criminal attackers breach information, resulting in loss of cash and business.

    Factor 2

    The spear fishing attacks have to be faced

    It is AN transmission scam or an email targeting a particular organization, business or individual to steal data with malicious intentions. The criminals may install malware on the targeted user's pc. The spear phishing is not a random activity, but a targeted activity by perpetrators with the specific intention for gain, military information and trade secrets. The emails to the targets may apparently look like coming back from sometimes a trustworthy  supply, like eBay or PayPal. But the perpetrators will be from constant company of the target in authority as determined in most of the cases. Any such spear phishing mail may contain sure inherent characteristics such as apparently a trustworthy  supply, valid reasons for a message and logically acceptable validity.

    Factor 3

    The adoption of NSS is more rife.

    The Network Security sandboxes enhance cyber security. In NSS environment, the appliances can execute and examine network traffic and non-application information, such as Adobe Flash or JavaScript to uncover malicious code. This enables the organizations to spot antecedently unseen malware or zero-day threats before they enter the network and cause damage to the organization. Thus, sandboxing has proved to be a powerful tool for advanced threat protection then its adoption is rife throughout the globe.

    Factor 4

    The NSS can be integrated into existing platforms

    The NSS can integrate with the existing security infrastructure like Firewall, UTM etc and protect, learn, and improve the overall threat protection. It delivers effective protection against any advanced threats. This cutting edge sandbox capacity will be complemented with established defenses, as NSS perfectly integrates with the existing platforms.

    I am a tutorial writer fascinated by technical writing, legal writing, thesis work, research writing etc.